Here’s another one in a series of photo posts where I took a bunch of photographs, intending to make a blog post out of them, and then never got around to actually writing the post.
In late August, Amelie and I went to the Palm Beach Zoo. We’d been meaning to go for a while because I kept telling her about various childhood memories of going there when it was still called the Dreher Park Zoo. The zoo was founded in the 1950s, and the name was changed to the Palm Beach Zoo in 1997.
As is my custom for zoo visits, I took the dslr camera and took a ridiculous number of photographs. Here’s a sampling of my favorite shots.
A passing staff member took this first one:
This is Mardi, a nine foot long American alligator. Mardi has Leucism, which gives him his white pigmentation and bright blue eyes.
Amelie wants to kidnap this African Serval, and to put a bow tie on it.
This sloth is one of my spirit animals. Excuse me while I take an upside-down nap.
Golden Lion Tamarin. These little guys are so fast!
Sleepy little Fennec fox!
This koala was wandering all over the enclosure because we got there right before his feeding time, and he knew it. Also, I kinda feel like he looks like Bernie Sanders, right?
There were a couple of kangaroos hoppin’ around.
Most of the big cats like this tiger were pretty sleepy because it was a warm day. I also have blurry pictures of sleeping cheetahs.
This one makes me giggle every time I see it.
I cannot remember what type of animal this little guy was. He was smaller than a golden retriever.
Here’s another alligator. He thinks we can’t see him.
Ah, the noble capybara! He’s such a stoic fuzzy fellow!
Look, a bear!
Bush Dogs! They’re technically canines, but they’re small and look a lot like sand otters. The sign said they’re active during the day and sleep at night, but these two were totally bucking the system.
Big ol’ anteater!
Lastly, a regular otter. I took at least thirty or forty pictures of the otter, and this is one of about three where he wasn’t moving. River otters are a lot like small children on too much candy, I bet.
What’s your favorite zoo animal?
Editor’s Note: I’m attempting to blog every day in November with CheerPeppers. I don’t expect to succeed because life be crazy, but any blogging in excess of my previous post-free month is a win, right?
Filed under: Florida Tagged: cheerpeppers, NaBloPoMo, nanopoblano, nanopoblano2016, National Blog Posting Month, palm beach zoo, South Florida, zoos